Week 02 Update!

Week two rolls out strong with more storyboard updates as well as some deeper character exploration for character designs! The script went through another rewrite and the boards were updated accordingly. The second major pass of the storyboard will be completed this next week, which is extremely exciting as we explore more interesting camera angles and funny expression and poses for our characters. We now officially have a sound designer for our film! We are happy to bring on Prajwal Kandel for our sound design, and we look forward to working with him. Friday, September 25th we held auditions for character voices from 1PM-6PM. We auditioned 15 people in total, and while we are still in the discussion phase of deciding actors, we have a pretty good sense of who will be playing what role in our upcoming film. All in all, the future is looking bright for Undersea News as we wrap up this busy week and head on into next week. Our goal is to finalize character designs so we can ...