Week 14 Update!


Layouts have been lined this week as we get ready to put together our latest animatic! We've brought on Layout Artist Daisy Julca to help us with our coloring process for layouts so that we can move onwards to other things so our core team can focus. 

We also have Cora Keene as our motion graphics designer to help with a lot of our news-station graphics!

Cora has been creating fantastic graphic designs for our project so far, and we are so incredibly lucky to have Cora on our team!

Alongside the help we've been getting, our core team has been focused on cleaning up the puppets and dropping them into scenes. This is to help us get ready to put our next animatic cut together! We've also started a hand-drawn section as well, prepping to get roughs of those done ASAP!

All in all, an exciting week! We can't wait to get further along in the process and start to see it all come together!


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