Week 06 Update!


Week 06 of Undersea News Preproduction is finished! Board revisions continue going strong as the animatic undergoes more changes as acting beats are finalized and sections get cleaned up.

Puppets have been started for Jeff, Gibbs, and Chester. Jeff and Gibbs are still having their puppets rigged, while Chester is getting a fresh dose of drawing substitutions added onto his current rig!

Facial expressions are being added onto Chester's rig as we speak. Chester is almost completed, we are just waiting on the finalized colors to be imported so he's no longer just a white blobby boy!

We have been working hard on getting the colors for our characters finalized all week and most characters are finished! There's only two characters giving us trouble as far as colors go, but they're incredibly close to being completed regardless!

Everything is starting to wrap up from here. The animatic will take priority moving forward so we complete it to be the best quality it can be!


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